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DIY Financial Planning

Want to Decide Whether you should engage with a financial Planner or Do your own financial planning? Take this quiz....
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How much of your income you save every month?

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Upto 25%
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Less Than 10%
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No Savings after expense
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How much is the average balance in your savings account?

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Less than 1 Lakh
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Rs. 1 to 2 Lakh
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Rs. 2 to 3 Lakh
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Above 3 Lakhs
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In a Financial Emergency, you will..

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Utilise your contigency Funds
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Liquidate Some Assets/Investments
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Use your credit card
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Take a Loan
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Do you know the asset allocation of your portfolio?

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Yes, and rebalance every year to maintain it
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Yes, but have not fixed an asset mix/ratio
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Have a vague idea but never
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Have no idea of portfolio asset mix
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Which of these statements is true for you?

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Have Set Financial Goals and Started Savings
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Started Savings but not defined goals
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Have defined goals but not started savings
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Have not set goals nor Started Savings
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Do you understand the Investments you have made?

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Fully Understand each product I have Purchased
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Except few, I understand Most products
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Can Understand only a few Investments
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Financial Matters too complicated for me
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How much is your life insurance cover?

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More Than 5 times of my annual income
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About 1-2 times of my annual income
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Less Than my annual income
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No Life Insurance cover
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Over 5 lakh cover for me and my family
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Rs. 2-3 Lakh Cover for me and my family
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Group Cover from employer
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No Health insurance cover
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No I have never been denied a loan.
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Lender Asked for some clarifications
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Lender refused at first but later agreed
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Yes, Lender has refused to give me loan
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You got a score of %%YOURSCORE%% out of %%TOTALSCORE%%
You Need Professional Help!!!

You are obviously not in a position to manage your money yourself.
A qualified expert can put your finances back on track. You will gain much more than fees he will charge.
You got a score of %%YOURSCORE%% out of %%TOTALSCORE%%

Your Knowledge for investment and finance is not very deep.
It will be better if you seek guidance from experts instead of managing your money yourself.
You got a score of %%YOURSCORE%% out of %%TOTALSCORE%%
You are Getting There!

You have a fair idea of financial products.
With a little more research, learning and reading up, you can manage your money and investments yourself.
You got a score of %%YOURSCORE%% out of %%TOTALSCORE%%

You are a DIY Star!
Congratulations! You have it in you to manage you money on your own. By cutting out interemediaries , you can save big on commissions and insulate your self against misselling.